High End Hero’s
Exclusive 1 on 1 Coaching for conscious and ambitious women who want to rock their business

You’re an entrepreneur and……
You know you’ve taken the right step to start a business of your own and you have things up and running but… You haven’t reached the flow you’ve been hoping for. It’s time to attract more paying customers en create a bigger impact. How do you do that?!
You’re experiencing limiting beliefs like “I’m not good enough.” “I’ll have to do it on my own.” “Who am I” or “Am I up for this?” and you are com-ple-teley done with these beliefs. You want to live a free life! Free to work where, when and with anyone you like and create financial freedom while doing so.
You also want to get rid of the fear that it might not work after all and you are ready to make a difference. You’re out of patience. It’s time to get help!
It’s time for a guide who has already crossed the obstacles you are facing and will give you the directions to the free life you desire.
With my knowledge and experience as a coach, healer, trainer and entrepreneur combined with my energy, enthusiasm and decisiveness I will guide you 1 on 1
This is what you can expect:
Personal guidance
You are not on your own! Together we will create the free life you desire so much, step by step. I will mirror you, hold you accountable and will show you your blind spots. This way your development will sky-rocket!
The HOW will (finally) become clear
Building a successful business is a system: by taking the right steps you will attract customers within no-time. You will write copy like a pro and become an expert in your niche. Above all you will finally be able to grow your business with the right kind of energy!
Cut the Crap!
Out with fears and limiting beliefs! Together we are getting rid of the mental roadblocks that have been slowing you down. Once and for all.
It’s time to take massive action!
We are going to work on positive energy, mindset AND strategy which is going to create MAGIC!
Law of Attraction
You will learn to work with the Law of Attraction. You will finally be able to attract what you desire so much in life!
We will combine this Universal Law with simple, PROVEN, marketing- and Sales-strategies. A unique combination of spirituality and action.
Focus & Freedom!
More focus guaranteed. Spending time on your business will actually get you more customers AND money.
You will learn to work more efficiently. Besides working on your business you want FREEDOM, right?! That’s what you’ll gonna get!

This High End coaching is only for you
when you:
Already have a basis for your business
Desire true FREEDOM in life, business and finances
Are ambitious and want to rock your business
Want to be an example to your (future) kids
Are opened up to spirituality
Take responsibility for the manifestation of your life
Want to grow your dream-business and want to make the world a nicer place.
Are willing to be (more) present online.
Want to Cut the Crap and Chase your Dreams!
IAbout Kim
“Practice what I Preach”
Kim is the living proof that everything in life is possible. No matter how you were raised or where you come from. Her father died in front of her when she was only six years old. Together with her older brother, she was raised by her single mother.
Kim’s family didn’t have a lot to spend when she was growing up.
However, her friends families had a lot more to spend. That made Kim believe that to make your dreams come true, you need wealthy parents. Which Kim didn’t.
For years Kim was hiding behind a mask of over-eating. Trying to meet the expectations of others, she lost her way completely within the fast-paced world of sales and marketing. Resulting in overweight, insecurity and a severe burn-out.
Despite her low levels of energy she decided to throw her life around. By investing a lot of time, money and effort she realised the following in under two years:
✅ Lost 20 kilograms
✅ Recovered from my burnout
✅ Quit my job (against all advice)
✅Successfully started an online coaching business which makes me live the life I desired.
✅ Build an international coaching business within 16 months!
Kim is super spiritual and a businesswoman at the same time. Yes, that’s possible! She can do what she loves doing every day: As a Spiritual Business Coach Kim empowers women Globally to Unleash their True Inner Power! She’s guiding women to create the happy and free life they desire so much, with their own successful business. Kim teaches women to run their business from their heart, how to become successful in a short period of time and how to take action from the right kind of energy. Kims power is in the INSPIRED ACTION; together we take steps to make sure you start doing what you are meant to do on this Earth. That’s why my motto is: Cut the Crap and Chase your Dreams.
What did other Heroes experience
Read how these conscious and ambitious women experienced the High End Coaching and what it has brought them.
“It was exciting to spend this kind of money on coaching, not knowing if it would pay out. In my business was facing a lot of uncertainty and had trouble with really standing for what I believe in.
Thanks to the High End 1 on 1 coaching I learned to sell from the heart and now I don’t feel burdened to offer my services anymore. I now feel and experience the value I provide for my customers and it has boosted my profits enormously! On top of that I have so much more focus, and work way more efficiently which gives me more time with my family.
Kim is reliable, inspiring and honest. It’s what makes her a good coach. She guides you in your private life as well as your business such as sales and efficiently arranging your tasks. This gives you more time and energy which you can put in your core-business!”
“I had already invested so much in various online programms, I started to doubt even to invest in myself anymore. I needed a coach who would help to take ACTION! Thanks to Kim, I kept moving. She simply helped me to get past my struggles and made me get results fast. Finally I’m enjoying myself again. I’ve been able to save myself loads of time and have to successfully organize my first paid Challenges! What I like so much about Kim is that she is very to-the-point and can be sensitive altogether. On top of that she gives practical advice. That way you know exactly what to do at any given time.”
““For a second, I doubted if the investment would pay out and if it wouldn’t be better do it on my own. I’m glad I chose to go ahead with Kim’s 1 on 1 coaching, because now I am back on track and know exactly what brought me to Earth! My new concept is rock-solid. It has already provided me with new customers and has given me peace of mind and faith towards the future!
Working with Kim has given me the confidence that I am an expert in what I do and can make a stand for what I believe in. On top of it all it has given me a lot of clarity, meaning I can really follow my mission in life.””
This is what the High End 1 on 1 Coaching will look like:
Before we have the first official video call, you will receive the “commitment video”. With this video you will be able to get the most out of the course, right from the start.
A 1 on 1 coaching call with Kim once every other week.
For the other week, you will have personal contact through email with Q&A.
This 1 on 1 coaching is custom-made for you, based on YOUR commitment.
You will receive specific assignments (based on your level and situation) and extra training video’s when necessary. This way, you will exactly know what your next step is going to be.
We celebrate our successes. Why? Everything you put our focus on, EXPANDS!

Do you feel excited and are you interested in this High End coaching?
request a cut the crap session!
In this session you will discover:
What the true obstacles are that are holding you back from creating the business and FREE life you desire so much.
What it is you exactly need to pass these obstacles and to create the FREEdom you want
When it matches, and only then, I will share with you how I can personally help you and how this custom made High End Heroes Course will look like for you.
Please fill in the intake. After that you will be informed when you will be selected for a free session.
“Kim is a highly committed and thorough coach. I would recommend here to women who wish to work on their business and themselves in spiritual and energetic way. Women who desire a clear vision. Women who want to manifest!”
“This High End coaching has brought me more than I could dream of. My weekly revenue has almost doubled, the relation with my family has grown stronger and I feel better than ever!”
“Kim is an amazing person and a valuable coach. She’s really on your side and combines decisiveness with spiritual energy. This combination is truly unique and really made a difference for me! Thanks to this High End coaching I was able to take giant leaps in my business without having to work any harder, just by having the right kind of energy!”
“I didn’t have a clue which direction to take with my business. I was really looking for someone that would help me take action and I have! I have regained my focus and my sales have gone up!”